Round Cell House

  • Image of "Round Cell House", the work by architect : Noriyuki Tajima (image number 1)
  • Image of "Round Cell House", the work by architect : Noriyuki Tajima (image number 7)
  • Image of "Round Cell House", the work by architect : Noriyuki Tajima (image number 5)
  • Image of "Round Cell House", the work by architect : Noriyuki Tajima (image number 6)
  • Image of "Round Cell House", the work by architect : Noriyuki Tajima (image number 4)
  • Image of "Round Cell House", the work by architect : Noriyuki Tajima (image number 3)
  • Image of "Round Cell House", the work by architect : Noriyuki Tajima (image number 2)





Project Data

プロジェクト名:Round Cell House







作品「Round Cell House」の画像 その1 (建築家 : 田島 則行)

作品「Round Cell House」の画像 その2 (建築家 : 田島 則行)

作品「Round Cell House」の画像 その3 (建築家 : 田島 則行)

作品「Round Cell House」の画像 その4 (建築家 : 田島 則行)

作品「Round Cell House」の画像 その5 (建築家 : 田島 則行)

作品「Round Cell House」の画像 その6 (建築家 : 田島 則行)

作品「Round Cell House」の画像 その7 (建築家 : 田島 則行)

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Other works of Noriyuki Tajima

Hoffice | work by Architect Noriyuki Tajima
Architect : Noriyuki Tajima
c-MA3 | work by Architect Noriyuki Tajima
Architect : Noriyuki Tajima
Passage Court | work by Architect Noriyuki Tajima
Architect : Noriyuki Tajima
Passage Court
Esq広尾 | work by Architect Noriyuki Tajima
Architect : Noriyuki Tajima
Rouen Shibuya | work by Architect Noriyuki Tajima
Architect : Noriyuki Tajima
Rouen Shibuya
Reism-Wall 007 | work by Architect Noriyuki Tajima
Architect : Noriyuki Tajima
Reism-Wall 007
Reism-Float 005 | work by Architect Noriyuki Tajima
Architect : Noriyuki Tajima
Reism-Float 005
Reism-Wrap 003 | work by Architect Noriyuki Tajima
Architect : Noriyuki Tajima
Reism-Wrap 003
REISM-BOX ‘Seijo’ | work by Architect Noriyuki Tajima
Architect : Noriyuki Tajima

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