松尾宗則 ・ 松尾遥 | Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo

株式会社TAIMATSU | 一級建築士

Tokyo, Japan

Portfolio of Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo

- japanese-architects.com staff will support the communication -

club house MIYAMA | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
club house MIYAMA
the lodge | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
the lodge
whole house 野口町の家 | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
whole house 野口町の家
highlight house 落合の家  | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
highlight house 落合の家
accept house 谷中の家 | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
accept house 谷中の家
seep house 駒沢の家 | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
seep house 駒沢の家
away house 湯河原の家 | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
away house 湯河原の家
step house 本多の家 | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
step house 本多の家
living park house 聖ケ丘の家 | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
living park house 聖ケ丘の家
stair house 階段が見える家 | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
stair house 階段が見える家
surround house 団欒を囲う家 | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
surround house 団欒を囲う家
through house スキップフロアの家 | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
through house スキップフロアの家
notch house テラスを取り込んだ家 | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
notch house テラスを取り込んだ家
fragment house 周囲と関係のいい家 | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
fragment house 周囲と関係のいい家
slash house キッチンから生まれるリノベーション | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
slash house キッチンから生まれるリノベーション
KPM house 楽器と暮らすリノベーション | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
KPM house 楽器と暮らすリノベーション
spread house 窓辺の景色からのリノベーション | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
spread house 窓辺の景色からのリノベーション
one house 引き継いだ平屋の家 | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
one house 引き継いだ平屋の家
箱根の提灯 | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
神宮前のアトリエ | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
千ヶ滝の週末住宅 | work by Architect Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo
Architect : Munenori Matsuo & Haruka Matsuo

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